CNIB Get on Board – Secret Rider Survey

I acknowledge that my participation in the Get on Board Campaign (the Campaign) is voluntary and CNIB accepts no liability for the harm that I may suffer during the Campaign at the hand of a third party or transit provider.
At CNIB, we are committed to your privacy. All data collected will be kept confidential in accordance with CNIB’s Privacy Policy. Results will be publicly reported only in aggregate, summary form with outside parties, and without any identifying features associated with any one person.
Please note that participation in this survey is entirely voluntary and confidential. Decisions you make around participating in this quick survey will have absolutely no impact on the services you receive from CNIB, either now or in the future. You can close the survey at any time and chose not to answer some questions. And, of course, there are no consequences to you if you choose not to participate.
By agreeing to this consent disclaimer, you understand and acknowledge the purpose of the survey, as well as how the data will be analyzed and used by CNIB.

This survey is being conducted by the Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB).  The purpose of the secret rider survey is to gather information about the barriers commonly encountered on fixed-route public transit in 10 locations across Canada. The evidence gathered will be used to assess the accessibility of each transit system, and the results will be presented to local decision makers and will inform recommendations on how to improve public transit accessibility.


As a “secret rider,” you will be asked to use your local transit system and rate the accessibility of various aspects of the journey on a scale of 1 to 5. A survey will be provided with questions related to:

·       Customer service

·       Website and apps

·       Stops and stations

·       Vehicle design


You will also be able to provide additional comments and feedback on anything else you want to highlight.


We will treat your personal information as confidential and will be anonymized unless you disclose identifying information in a written response. No information that discloses your identity will be released or published without your specific consent. All research data will be stored and protected by CNIB data policies.


For more information on this survey or if you would like to complete the survey over the phone with a volunteer, please contact